Saturday, 26 October 2013

Border Princes Turn 9 Battle Report: The Blood River Feast

[From a Letter Written by Sergeant Sigmund Dolf, 3rd Carroburg Greatswords, also know as the "Immortals"]:


We have lost our advance into territories nearing the foul red river bogs. Ogres advance westward as I write - objective unknown at this time.

Losses: moderate. Burgomeister's swordsmen destroyed. Knights whereabouts unknown, as is that of Arch Lector Dieter Bon Lemann. We have sent out pistolier riders - no word as yet.

Command determined by Engineer Winzler. Cowardly cannon crew recovered.

Rumours among the men claim Amadeus the Black, amethyst wizard and mage of Morr, had been seen walking through our campsite at night despite being slain on the field. His body was not recovered, charred bones the only remnant.

We await your orders.

For Sigmar and glory!

The Blood River Feast

Whatever enormous bargain in gold and victuals had bought the ogre forces off attacking the southern Empire via Blackfire Pass obviously did not extend to prohibiting the ogres from attacking Imperial holdings in the Border Princes, for a large army under the voracious Kragg the Guzzler advanced upon the Imperial Blood River Bastion.  Lector Dieter bon Lemann took a sizable Imperial force to hold the ogres along the central banks of the Blood River.

 The battle began with a deafening artillery exchange: the crew of the Imperial Great Canon had been driven from the field by the foul chants and rituals of the ogre slaughtermaster, leaving the Imperial steamtank and   ogre ironblaster to slug it out.  The Ironblaster managed to land a shot on the Steamtank but was unable to penetrate its heavy Nuln-forged steel.  The ironblaster itself had no such protections, however, and was obliterated when the steamtank returned fire.

Meanwhile the ogre Bulls and Ironguts advanced relentlessly across the field, contemptuous of the outriders attempts to harry and slow them, and Kragg and the flamespewing Firebelly  warded off every attempt by Amadeus the Black to bring down the ogre troops with the dreaded incantation of the Purple Sun.  Finally, having closed the distance, the ogre Bulls smashed into the Burgomeister's swordsmen while the Ironguts crashed into the grim 'Immortal' greatswords, who in turn were joined in the defense by a surge of doughty halberdiers.  

The sound of the bone crushing impact and the roar of the ogre battle cry deafened even the screams of the dead and dying as the battle ground on, but relief for the Empire seemed to be at hand as Imperial Knights approached from the west under the command of the Lector Dieter von Lemann himself, ready to plunge into the ogres' flank.  Better still, the Immortals and the halberdiers finally cut down the last of the Ironguts... given time they too could come to the aid of the beleagered Burgomeister's Blackswords.  

Then, just as the Imperial knights were within striking distance of the ogre's flank and were kicking their mounts into would would be the final charge, the Burgomeister's Blackswords finally broke before the terrifying ogre assault.  Wasting no time finding more foes to feed upon, the ogres turned and hurtled into the bewildered knights, who suddenly found that it was THEY who were on the receiving end of a devastating charge.  The knights fought bravely but could not long resist, and were eventually driven off by the ogres who followed them from the field.  

When the ogres finally returned light was fading, and the stunned and bloodied remnants of the Empire were falling back under the command of the stalwart immortals.  Of Lector Dieter von Lemann and the fleeing knights under his command, there was no sign... 

The Blood River Feast (aka the Battle of Blood River), part of the Border Princes War of 2516-2518 IC
Date: 28th Mittherbst, 2516 IC
Location: The Central Blood River Region
Result: Ogre Kingdoms Victory
The Empire
Ogre Kingdoms
Lector Dieter von Lemann (†?)
Kragg the Guzzler
Other Leaders
Captain Heinrich Haupfritz
Amadeus the Black (Wizard Lord of the Lore of Death) (†?)
Erogg the Saw

Joachim Baum, Warrior Priest of Sigmar

Hydreich Zwingler (Battle Wizard of the Lore of Metal)

Otto Winzler (Engineer)

2650 pts.
2250 pts.
1335 pts.
1572 pts.
†=killed in battle

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