Saturday, 23 June 2012

Four Gaming Projects Commence!

The aim of this blog-space is to help me plan and keep track of my gaming projects.  
There are four rather large-scale gaming projects set in the Warhammer Fantasy world which I have been keen to get going on for some time now:
·         Fully assemble and paint my Bretonnian army for Warhammer Fantasy.
·         Develop a series of Warhammer Fantasy campaigns to share with my mates.
·         To design and build a ‘Massive, Modular, Mordheim’ (MMM) board.
·         To run a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaign.
I have never been a particularly dedicated or able painter or hobbyist, so my hope is that this blog will help me to keep my motivation going with the areas which aren’t natural strengths.
My natural interest is more in the story behind the game, so both sets of campaigns should hopefully come a bit more easily.

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