Thursday 21 February 2013

Border Princes 18: House Rules So Far

So a recent change to the special rules for Tomb Kings (changes in red) has reminded me that I have been meaning to draw attention to some of the differences between the rules in the General's Compendium and those on this blog (esp. now that we have another player who has a copy of the GC).

So these are the house rules so far (more will be added as necessary):

1.)  Forests count as difficult terrain, though only a 2+ check is needed rather than a 3+ (in the GC forest is NOT difficult terrain).

2.) You DO have to make difficult terrain tests when falling back/retreating.  I actually didn't realize that the GC addressed this rule until Monday when I was looking for something else.  In the GC you DON'T have to make a difficult terrain test in order to retreat.  However, this strikes me as silly - if it is difficult to march across a river when you are in good order, how much harder is it to RETREAT over a river (w/ baggage train et al.) when you are fleeing your enemies?  From what I understand of early modern warfare many of the casualties occur in flight, particularly if blocked by a river or something.  Anyway, for our purposes if you are retreating and fail a difficult terrain you are SCATTERED.

I can't think of any other changes I made off the top of my head, except for the Bretonnian special army rules which I made weaker (I thought they were over the top).

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