Monday 4 February 2013

Border Princes Announcement: League Declared Between Neherakans, Orcs and Goblins and Followers of the Ruinous Powers!

Many thanks to our Tomb King's player who supplied the fluff behind the announcement - I've worked it into Gavius Klugge's latest report but I thought it would be fun to have a perspective from someone who is NOT a crotchety Empire Wizard, so I've pasted the email below.  Other (Greenskin or Chaos) perspectives are welcome if they feel they haven't been well represented :-).

All three of us are in a three way alliance, so every person is allied to both other members. My personal take would be that King Nun'keb's accompanying priests (from the Sect of the Carrion God) have warned him of a rising power in the west, a building crusade of mortal men united in purpose and backed by powerful nations. They have learned this by communing with the whispering spirits that linger in this blood drenched land. Cursing his ill fortune Nun'keb has demanded more than just portents of his undoing from his priests. They suggest that the other inhabitants of this blighted land might be persuaded of common cause to break this western invasion. Nun'keb accepts that savages sometimes have their uses and their extermination can resume after this much greater threat is put to rest. Two ambassadors are then dispatched, to the green skin camp a great carrion bird departs, clutching in his talon a mummified goblin head such that the ancient dead might be able to converse with the green savages in their own tongue. To the men of chaos comes Khunil, Herald of the Silent Legion, a proud and fierce warrior bearing promises of glory. What was said to win over these two rambunctious factions I will leave to your imagination. 

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