Thursday 22 November 2012

Border Princes Campaign 5: The Fortress-Town of Malko Continued

Ok, so here at last is my design for the towers of the fortress-town of Malko, to go along with the walls I and gate-section I designed in my last post.  I've also put a little concept sketch in, just for fun.

Now I HAVE gotten more done other than my little scribbles since last I posted.  With the help of one of the Modest Modellers I have completed the foundations (pdf) for the modular sections of Malko's walls, gates and towers:

It probably doesn't look like much at this point, but I am REALLY pleased with the dimensions.  The way it will work is that there will be enough room to deploy infantry three ranks deep on the walls, five ranks deep above the gates (in the centre) and in ranks of 6x6 on each of the towers.  This is also taking into a account space (1 cm) for the facade of the fortress: the bricks (representing the ancient foundations) and patchy log palisade (hastily thrown together to supplement the ruined battlements) which will cover the outside of the structure and provide cover to troops on the ramparts.

One of the Modest Modellers kindly gave me some foam board which just happens to be the perfect size to form the base of the wall, and I already have some pieces which are perfect for cutting into 'bricks' for the facade.  I am also busy collecting dowels and appropriately sized sticks for the palisade portion.

You can probably make out the pencil lines on the gatehouse section which marks out where the opening for the gates will be - this has space to allow units with ranks of 5 to pass through.  Of course, each section is modular, and I have cut extra foundations with which to make sections of wall and tower which have been breached/destroyed (as I am sure will happen in the bloody sieges we fight for Malko!).

1 comment:

  1. The palisade section can have all kinds and sizes of logs/trees/whatever, but I think the towers shouild be more regular (in terms of dowels)with maybe some patched-up sections where huge stones have crashed through areas of the towers.
