Wednesday 14 November 2012

Border Princes Campaign 4: The Fortress-Town of Malko

Right, today I am looking at the first special territory for our Border Princes, the fortress-town of Malko!  Malko is described as the key strategic location along the Silk Road: holding Malko alone doesn't quite make you master of the Border Princes, but it DOES give you 10 victory points which is sure to help!

Malko is built on an ancient fort which has been taken and retaken innumerable times, such that only the original foundation stones remain intact and the rest is largely makeshift palisade.  If a Banner which controls Malko is attacked, then the SIEGE scenario (adapted from the 6th Ed. rulebook) is used as the defending Banner retreats into the city walls.  Furthermore, any Banner which controls Malko is automatically counted as being FORTIFIED (plus 200 points of troops defending) and cannot be FORTIFIED further.

My thoughts on building the fortress walls of Malko are based on those in the GC, but I have modified the scale so that the different bits of fortress can be incorporated into GWs generic 'Warhammer Fortress' should we ever acquire one!  I've posted some preliminary ideas below:

Materials are still a bit up in the air.  So far my thoughts are:
Base = MDF
Rampart = balsa wood
Palisade = sharpened wooden dowels

I am not quite sure about the original stone foundations though - possibly foam bricks if they can be bought/constructed relatively cheaply and easily.  This part isn't essential to play the scenario, however, mostly its about the aesthetic of the ancient, battle-scarred foundations!

I will add plans for the watchtowers as soon as I've found out the dimensions of the towers for the Warhammer Fortress. 

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