Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Border Princes: Turn 3

32nd Jahrdrung, 2516 IC

The orc warlord who last month claimed the traditional summer camping grounds of the infamous Ironclaw tribe seems to be drawing more and more accursed orcs and goblins to to him, as if those bleak lands with their strange idols to accursed Gork (or is it Mork?) are reminders for the greenskins’ past glories under Gorbad Ironclaw.  Some of my colleagues may scoff that no Greenskin alive today would have any such knowledge given their predictably short lifespans and that they lack interest in all but the most rudimentary arts of civilization, and even then only those which facilitate death and destruction.  However, I believe if these same colleagues had stepped out of their ivory towers and pulled their noses out of their books and winecups for a moment and listened to the Greenskins’ endless drumming and ululating during Azhag the Slaughterer’s recent rampage from the Troll Country, as indeed I did, then they would come to see the Greenskin’s strange collective memory the way I do.
I tell you this: The orcs and goblins of the Border Princes KNOW what Gorbad and his Ironclaws did to the Empire.  I do not know HOW they know, but they know.  And they mean to do it again.  Fortunately, for my colleagues who are concerned that yet another orcish invasion of the Empire might interrupt their tenure, I intend to stop them.  With a little help of course.

I have done all that I can here in Aldium now, I shall leave an apprentice with the Imperial forces here and make my way to Malko to see if anything can be done to save it.  I am not optimistic.

-Gavius Klugge, Grey Wizard

Mitterfruhl, 2516 IC [GM Note: The Spring Equinox, known in Bretonnia as 'Lily Day']

I have spent Mitterfruhl with the Bretonnian force under Henri du Bois de Balzac, whose retinue have apparently decided to end their rather leisurely procession along the Silk Road by celebrating ‘Lily Day’ at the crossroads between the Silk Road and the South Road.  While the Imperial farmers surrounding Aldium are no doubt celebrating by sacrificing a firstborn lamb to Taal and Rhya, just as would our countrymen north of the Black Mountains, for the Bretonnian peasantry Lily Day involves decorating everything with flowers and Morris dancing!  For the Bretonnian aristocracy Lily Day involves feasting, jousting, hunting, singing, dancing and tourneying… which is really not much different to what they have been doing on the road thus far by all accounts! 

One difference, of course, is the scale of the pomp, excess, and organized violence (which could probably describe both the tourneying and the chanson singing, depending on your fancy).  Another distinguishing feature is that for the Bretonnians, ever droning on about courtly love, Lily Day is a traditionally auspicious day to celebrate marriages and crown a Lily Queen.  Of course, it was no coincidence that this year’s Lily Queen was the Lady Isabeau de Quenelles, a daughter of the powerful Bretonnian Duc de Quenelles and betrothed of Young Henri du Bois de Balzac, heir to the oldest Bretonnian family in the Border Princes. 
What is significant for our designs, dear colleagues, is that she brings as her dowry a host of her father’s vassals to help reclaim the Border Princes.  Encouragingly, after winning a joust in which Young Henri bore Isabeau’s favour he publically swore under the banner of the joint Bretonnian-Imperial Crusade that he would not so much as kiss his beloved until he had honoured her favour by winning his spurs in battle against our mutual foes.  A foolish gesture, admittedly, for a youth who might have had so much life ahead of him, but such ridiculous gallantry will be for the betterment of the Empire if it stops the Bretonnians drinking and fighting each other and points those lances in the right direction!  

Right, I must take leave and gather my temper if I am to refrain from saying something honest to these incorrigible damsels who pull all the strings here... will the Bretonnians EVER introduce proper schooling for magic?  Something which doesn't involve embroidery or newts?

-Gavius Klugge

3rd Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

The Imperial garrison stationed in Aldium has razed camp and is marching North along the South Road under the banner of the joint Imperial-Bretonnian Crusade, as I am certain you have already been informed by the army’s Battle Wizards.  Apparently the Witch Hunters burnt several heretics and Chaos Cultists they uprooted in the cosmopolitan settlement, though I fear the dangerous ones had probably gone to ground long before our forces arrived.  Nevertheless, Aldium has been left in good order, and our forces are no doubt the best equipped in the Border Princes after resupplying there.


6th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

Word is that a flood of refugees is fleeing Westwards along the Silk Road to take shelter behind Malko’s stout palisades, and that they tell of the growing Greenskin threat.  It seems that since the orc warlord reclaimed the Ironclaw lands that orcs and goblins have begun pouring down from the World’s Edge mountains in a mighty horde that has swept aside all resistance in the lands south of the Silk Road.  Even as I write my humble feathered observers are telling me how the drums across the Ironclaw lands have finally fallen quiet, and how the terrifying warlord has lead his own seething horde West to seize the banks of the Thunder River.  This Green tide has already blanketed the lands between the Blood River, the Thunder River and the Silk Road, and if it isn’t halted soon, it will surely engulf all the Border Princes.

I cannot tarry here with the Bretonnians' incessant feasting, and must just hope that our alliance holds with these strange folk (I mean, Morris dancing!  Really?!  Is there a mind alive that can fathom it?).  I have left one of my less hopeless apprentices, young Adolphus, here with the Bretonnians to keep an eye on things in my absence, and will press on to try and talk sense into Malko’s mercenary lord.


8th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

I have arrived in Malko and have seen for myself the haggard faces of the countless refugees who have fled there seeking shelter from the Greenskin tide to the East.  I fear that their trust in the protection of Malko’s lord is misplaced, however: my latest attempt at counselling the fool has further convinced me that he has neither the wit nor the will to deal with that which is to come.  The ancient foundations of Malko will no doubt remain, as they always have, but as it stands everyone within them is going to die.  I have advised those Imperial nobles fleeing from the East to take what remains of their standing armies not to tarry in Malko but to continue West to join our Imperial forces.

10th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

 Adolphus has sent me word that Tybalt, Thirteenth of his Name, du Bois de Balzac, head of the most ancient Bretonnian Border Prince lineages and father of Young Henri, has left his castle with his vassals and is claiming the fealty of the lands to the North and East as his own.


11th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

While the most pressing concern for Malko is how to feed the Greenskins fleeing the orcs and goblins, I am almost more concerned by how few refugees have managed to flee the advance of the Chaos horde which is marching steadily South under the fell banners of the Ruinous Powers.  Most if not all of those who do have made it to Malko are possessed of the vacant look of one who has witnessed horrors beyond imagining, and unlike the hopefuls fleeing the orcs, these refugees have no illusions of salvation.  Those who have still some fire in them have become mad, frothing zealots, railing at the sinfulness of Man and telling all you will listen (and those who won’t!) about the approaching End Times.  I have herded as many as I can in the direction of our Imperial forces where perhaps our Warrior Priests can put their madness to some good, but enough remain here to incite riots and sap morale. 


14th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

Another legion of long-dead Nehekharans is claiming lands to the South and taking those who lived there as slaves.  These slaves seem to immediately be put to work reclaiming long buried ruins.


19th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

In the course of my enquiries here in Malko I have also noticed several suspiciously familiar faces from Aldium.  How strange that so many Burghers, merchants and farmers should be so intent on travelling East when all around them are fleeing Westwards?  No doubt most are Chaos cultists driven from Aldium by the Witch Hunter’s investigations who are on their way to join the approaching Chaos horde.  I have already quietly dispatched a minor sorcerer whose blasphemies were revealed in the form of a horrific, weeping eye growing in his chest, and subtly revealed a few other mutants and cultists to the justice of the zealots, but it is clear that the battle for the Border Princes will be fought in the souls of men as much as on the battlefield, and there is a danger that Malko will fall to the Enemy Within.

-Gavius Klugge

20th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

An Imperial division, newly formed and bolstered by the forces of Border Princelings of Imperial descent as well as mercenaries from Aldium, has readied itself for war and marched boldly East under cover of the woods.  Our Imperial Huntsmen seem to have served them well in guiding through the tangled forest.


25th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

Better news this day from my feathered observers!  A horde of barbarians and cultists lead by fell warriors of Chaos has been trapped in their dark mountain fortress by wild stormy weather and mudslides in the mountains to the North!


28th Pflugzeit, 2516 IC

Strange tidings from the South!  My raven friends tell me that the the long-dead Silent Legion from far Nehekhara have been floundering through the mists and mires of the Bloodriver Bogs, their rigid square formations falling over each other amid the fog and their chariot wheels stuck fast in the mire despite the efforts of countless slaves.  After days of futile attempts to find passage to through the swamps the force has turned back the way they came.  Now ravens are intelligent birds (probably more so than many people, and, dare I say it, some wizards!) and through my Art I have been able to Divine from them the hieroglyphs appearing on the most prominent banners of the force.  My knowledge of Nehekharan hieroglyphics is, I must admit, a little rusty but I gather the general we are dealing with is… er was… known as ‘Nun’keb the Erratic.’  I am not certain I have translated that last title correctly: my Ravens keep getting distracted by all the ‘shiny’ objects of gold and lapis lazuli they have stolen from the Nehekharan’s ornate armour.  I do hope this Nun’keb doesn’t come looking for them before I’ve thought of a way to return them… from what I have read the Tomb Kings seldom take kindly to those who remove things from their tombs, even if they don’t seem to be using them at the time.  

Anyway, I have attached my sketch of the hieroglyphs I can make out from the Raven’s descriptions, perhaps my esteemed colleagues in the Amethyst Order can make better sense of them and let me know who I am dealing with here.

-Gavius Klugge

Normal Territories
Special Territories
Total Territories
Razed Territories
Victory Points
Orcs and Goblins

Tomb Kings

Warriors of Chaos

Monday, 28 January 2013

Border Princes 17: Scenario Deployment Rules

Ok, so when a battle is to be fought and a scenario is rolled for a particular terrain section then the following rules are used to decide who is the ATTACKER and who is the DEFENDER as per the rules of each scenario.  Many of the scenarios (esp. the 8th ed. ones) don't change, but for several of the scenarios who is attacker and who is defender can sensibly be determined depending on whether the territory in question was previously CONTROLLED (ie. it has been invaded) OR if it was previously UNCONTROLLED (in which case two newly arriving armies are fighting over it).  Furthermore, I am adding the standard 'points totals' that players need for each scenario.  All is explained below, with scenarios listed in alphabetical order:

Ambush (6th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the ATTACKER (ambushER) and the INVADING FACTION is the DEFENDER (ambushED)
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1125* (defenders get 50% of the points total, and 50% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Battleline (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Blood and Glory (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Breakthrough (6th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER (trying to break through defense).
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1125* (defenders get 50% of the points total, and 50% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Break out of the dark forest (General's Compendium)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the ATTACKER (ambusher) and the INVADING FACTION is the DEFENDER (trying to break out of the forest)
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Dawn Attack (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Defend the Pass (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Flank Attack (6th/7th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER.
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Hold the High Ground (8th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER (holds the highground)  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER.
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

In the dark woods (General's Compendium)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per the General's Compendium.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Last Stand (6th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER. (A last stand represents a dreadful tactical error (e.g. forces splitting or getting lost) /disastrous bad luck befalling one of the sides, and this may occur regardless of whether someone is invading or defending a territory).

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1125* (defenders get 50% of the points total, and 50% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Loot & Pillage (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Meeting Engagement (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Race for the Bridge (Circle of Blood)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER (trying to destroy the bridge) and the INVADING FACTION is the attacker (trying tosecure the bridge)
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Rearguard (6th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER (trying to make a fighting withdrawal to advantageous position)  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER (trying to save the bridge).
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1125* (defenders get 50% of the points total, and 50% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

River of Death (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Ruination of Glumhof (8th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER (trying to break through defense).
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED and one player represents ORDER and another represents DESTRUCTION, then the DESTRUCTION faction is ALWAYS the ATTACKER and the ORDER factions is always the DEFENDER,
Otherwise, ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1688* (defenders get 75% of the points total, and 75% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Surprise Encounter (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Watchtower/Capture (8th Ed BRB/6th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then play the WATCHTOWER scenario as detailed in the 8th Ed BRB, and the CONTROLLING PLAYER begins the scenario HOLDING THE TOWER.

If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then play the CAPTURE scenario as detailed in the 6th Ed BRB, and both players ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Woodland Ambush (Wood Elves Army Book)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the ATTACKER (ambushER) and the INVADING FACTION is the DEFENDER (ambushED)

If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

NOTE that if this scenario is played in a Forested Terrain Section AND one of the factions is ELVEN, then the ELVEN faction is ALWAYS the ATTACKER (AMBUSHER).  If there are more than one elven faction fighting each other, then the ATTACKER (Ambusher) is chosen in this order:

1.) Wood Elves
2.) High Elves
3.) Dark Elves

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Border Princes: Turn 2

2nd Jahrdrung, 2516 IC

Dire news for Imperial interests South of the Black Mountains!  The Orcs and Goblins plaguing the East are apparently no mere raiders but are apparently kept in check by the iron will of a mighty warchief.  It would take a mighty authority indeed to have reigned them in from their raiding along the East Blood River and marched the Greenskin horde by night and day to seize territory to the North before turning West to claim the traditional mustering grounds of the Iron Claw Orcs.  I need not remind my colleagues of the significance of these events, for these were the very mustering grounds of Gorbad Ironclaw and invasion which cost our Empire the state of Solland and the Emperor Sigismund!

[from the GM: Note that the reason the Orc and Goblin player was able to take 2 territories in 1 turn was the use of the Orc and Goblin 'forced march' special rule for Orcs and Goblins.]

-Gavius Klugge

5th Jahrdrung, 2516 IC

Better tidings today: Pro-Imperial forces have marched into Aldium to the cheers of the locals!  I watched their entry myself, and even as old and jaded a warhorse as I couldn't help being impressed by rank upon rank of state troops marching through the High Street in perfect unison!  The town was festooned with banners flying the Imperial Iron Cross, the Twin-Tailed Comet of Sigmar, and the Griffon of Magnus the Pious, and the passing troops were showered with flowers and ribbon.  The crowd roared with approval at the gunne-salutes of the handgunners, and hushed in turn by the reputations of the grim Greatswords who marched beneath the blood-red Carroburg banner.  I daresay that the cheering burghers of Aldium were putting on just as much of a show in their own way as were our Imperials with their spectacles: Aldium has always survived by throwing open its doors to invaders and making itself indispensable to them.  I'm sure you won't dismiss me as cynical when I say I saw the gold being counted in the eyes of the innkeepers, merchants and whores as they watched the cavalcade pass!  Still, Aldium is vital to our interests and this is good news.  I shall take the opportunity to go and speak with the Imperial commander now to give my counsel, and will report forthwith.

-Gavius Klugge

11th Jahrdrung, 2516 IC

I bring more good news!  An alliance has been declared between pro-Bretonnian and Imperial interests in the Border Princes.  The alliance takes the form of a joint Crusade which seeks to emulate the overland Crusade against Araby which drove the Greenskins and worse beyond the Blood River in 1452 IC and which lead to the founding of the Border Princes.  I am, of course, skeptical about how long this alliance will last - after all, Bretonnian and Imperial petty nobles in the Border Princes have battled each other as much as any other since the founding of these lands!  Still, the many threats arising to the East and the memory of Tamurkhan's horrors may hold them together somewhat, and for now this serves the interests of the Emperor.  If only I didn't have to deal with those damnable Damsels of the Lady!

-Gavius Glugge

19th Jahrdrung, 2516 IC

As I had feared, reports suggest that the horde of marauders and cultists lead by black armoured warriors have descended from the mountains.  They have seized the Old Dwarf Road leading to the World's Edge Mountains in the name of one Vardek, razing blasphemous banners to the Ruinous Powers along the roadside alongside the crucified remains of unfortunate merchants and caravan guards who happened to be caught in their path.  This is dire news indeed and bodes ill for the Empire!  I urge you, dear colleagues, to ensure that the appropriate authorities in Averland are alerted and watches on the upper regions of Blackfire Pass reinforced.  

-Gavius Klugge

26th Jahrdrung, 2516 IC

Young Henri du Boix de Balzac and his Gallant Companions have secured the Western stretch of the lucrative Silk Road, marching beneath the new banner of the joint Bretonnian-Imperial Crusade.  No doubt the merchants will earn a king's ransom supplying the Bretonnians with the wines, silks and other fancies for the feasts, hunts and tourneys which provide the knights with entertainments as they travel and which threaten to slow their advance to a snail's pace!  I daresay, there shall be no such comforts beyond a bed in a ditch or haycroft for the peasants!

-Gavius Klugge

31st Jahrdrung, 2516 IC

As if the commonfolk along the East Blood River had not suffered enough Greenskin depravities, the South Bank of the river has been seized by skeletal forces.  These skeletal warriors and slavers have apparantly come to be known as the 'Silent Legion' by locals, for they march, fight, and drive their newly acquired slaves to work with nary a word but all in eerie silence.  For the unfortunates who used to live along the Blood River the choice is now between slavery to the Greenskins on the North Bank, which is likely to end in the stomach of a foul troll, the wrath of a slighted orc or to the cruel tortures of the goblins, or slavery to the Tomb Kings on the South Bank, which is harsh, unyielding and apparently continues in eternity after death!

-Gavius Klugge

Normal Territories
Special Territories
Total Territories
Razed Territories
Victory Points
Orcs and Goblins

Tomb Kings

Warriors of Chaos

Friday, 25 January 2013

Border Princes Announcement: Imperial-Bretonnian Crusade Declared!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! 

Let it Henceforth Be Known in This, the Two Thousand Five Hundred and Sixteenth Year Since the Crowning of Sigmar Heldenhammer as Emperor, and One Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-Eight Years Since The Formation of the Kingdom and Duchies of Bretonnia by Gilles the Uniter, A Crusade Has Been Called to Cleanse Evil from the Border Princes in Order to Reclaim the Glory and Territories Won in Days of Yore When a Mighty Host of Knights Errant and Imperial Knightly Orders Set Forth for Araby Overland but Instead Drove Orcs and Goblins and Worse from the Land and Beyond the Blood River!

Here Below Shall Be Found the Terms, Rules, Conditions and Stipulationsof the Alliance Which Constitutes the Above-said Crusade in the Border Princes: 

1. Imperial Nobles Shall NOT Taunt, Tease, or Otherwise Slander Those Bretonnian Knights Who Have Not Yet Learned to Read or Write

2. Bretonnian Knights Shall NOT Taunt, Tease, or Otherwise Slander Imperial Knights and Nobles for Their Use of Blackpowder Weapons.

3. Both Bretonnians and Men of the Empire Shall NOT Engage In Idle and Dangerous Speculations as to Who Would Prevail in a Fair Battle Between Sigmar Heldenhammer and Gilles the Uniter, or Between His Most Imperial Highness Emperor Karl-Franz Ist von Holswig-Schliestein or His Most Royal Majesty King Louen Leoncouer.

4. Men of the Empire Shall NOT Behave in a Manner that is Lewd, Unseemly, Uncouth, Villainous or Discourteous in the Presence of Damsels, NOR Shall They Speak in a Manner that is Lewd, Unseemly, Uncouth, Villainous or Discourteous in the Presence of Damsels, NOR Shall Common Men of the Empire Who Look or Sound or Smell Vile Appear in the Presence of Said Damsels.

5. Bretonnian Knights Shall NOT Allow Their Jesters, Jongleurs and Troubadours to Roam Unsupervised Amongst Imperial Encampments Lest They Cause Mischief With Their Jests and Taunts or Sap Fighting Spirit With Their Lengthy and Tedious Chansons.

6. Men of the Empire Shall NOT Presume to Give Orders to Bretonnian Knights, Break Bread with Bretonnian Knights, Speak to Bretonnian Knights or Even Remain in the Near Presence of Bretonnian Knights Unless They Be Possessed of a True Title and Ancient Lineage Or Unless Expressly Invited to Do So.

7. Bretonnian Knights Shall NOT Force Free Men of the Empire to Become Vassals, Serfs, or Peasants and Thereby Deprive Them of their Freedom.   

8. The Men of the Empire Shall NOT Taunt, Tease, or Otherwise Slander Bretonnian Knights by Likening the Liveries of Bretonnian Knights to the Gowns and Dresses of Womenfolk.

9. Bretonnian Knights Shall NOT Wipe Their Hands in the Hair of Common Men of the Empire as is Their Custom with the Bretonnian Lowborn.

10. Bretonnian Knights Shall NOT be Required to Operate, Touch, or Even Be Anywhere in the Vicinity of Blackpowder Gunnes, Including but Not Limited to Great Cannons, Mortars, Rocket Batteries, Volley Gunnes and Steam Tanks.

11. Bretonnians Shall NOT Taunt, Tease, or Otherwise Slander The Men of the Empire Concerning Their Extravagant Moustaches, Nor Shall They Pull, Twist, or Otherwise Interfere With Said Moustaches.
Damsels of the Lady Shall NOT Be Burned at the Stake as Witches by Warrior-Priests, Witch Hunters, Flagellants, Zealots, or Any Other Men of the Empire.

12. Damsels of the Lady Shall NOT Transform Male Wizards of the Imperial Colleges of Magic Into Toads, Newts, Voles, or Any Other Form to Which Said Wizards Are Unaccustomed and Do Not Desire.
Male Wizards of the Empire Shall NOT Act in a Manner That May be Construed as Self-Righteous, Pompous, Inflexible or Irascible. 

13. Knights of Bretonnia Shall NOT Redistribute the Victuals, Lodgings, Ale, Wages, or Potions, Dressings and Poultices (Etcetera, Etcetera) from the Common Men of the Empire to Bretonnian Horses, Hunting Dogs, Hawks or Falcons as they Might Redistribute the Said Victuals, Lodgings, Ale, Wages, or Potions of Their Own Peasantry.

14. Commanders of the Empire Shall NOT Order Knights of Bretonnia to Withdraw or Flee from the Field of Battle in a Manner that Is Unseemly, Unchivalrous or Dishonourable.

15. Bretonnian Knights Shall Endeavor NOT to Ride Down Imperial State Troops in Their Reckless and Hasty Desire to Engage the Enemy, as Has Occurred with Bretonnian Lowborn in Past Battles.

16. Imperial Artillery Shall NOT Risk Firing Upon Bretonnian Knights in Close Combat with an Enemy, Regardless of the Tactical Advantages Deemed Associated with Such Actions.

17. Further Conditions, Terms, Rules and Stipulations Concerning Minutia That Are Relatively Insignificant, Tedious, Unclear or Not of Clear Immediate or Present Need Shall Be Resolved at a Later Date by an As Yet Unspecified Method, Including but not Limited to Whether Or Not the Reclaimed Border Princes Should Swear Fealty to the Bretonnian Crown or Be Annexed to the Empire of Sigmar, Whether Malko and Aldium and the Right to Tax Trade Along the Silk Road Rightly Reside in the Empire of Sigmar or the Crown of Bretonnia, What Duration This Treaty is to Last and Under Which Conditions it May Be Considered Null and Void, and Other Such Trifles.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Border Princes: Turn 1

7th Nachhexen, 2516 IC

Terrified peasants fleeing their farms along the East Blood River swear that orcs and goblins are sweeping across the north bank of the Blood River in alarming numbers, their wolf-riders rounding up those farmers not quick enough to escape and their livestock in lightning raids.

Gavius Klugge

12th Nachhexen, 2516 IC

A glorious procession of knights has been seen winding their way south under the banner of young Henri de Bois du Balzac and his Gallant Companions, brightly coloured pennants fluttering in the wind, and cheered on their way by filthy peasants from the fields


17th Nachhexen 2516 IC

It is said that a great cloud of dust hangs thick over the South East, and it is attributed to the relentless northwards march of legions of skeletal warriors armed in archaic bronze and gold who are lead by regal skeletal charioteers so resplendent in gold and lapis lazuli as to be blinding in the sun.


22nd Nachhexen 2516 IC

My gravest fears appear to have been confirmed in the North East.  There are rumours that an army of barbaric marauders and dark warriors clad from head to toe in strange, baroque armour is descending from the peaks.  And it is said that these warriors bear the unholy and blasphemous sigils of the Ruinous Powers.

Gavius Klugge

28th Nachhexen, 2516 IC

The Imperial forces are marching north from their fortress!  They have secured the bridge which grants the only safe passage across the lower and central reaches of the Blood River, the very picture of military efficiency as their cannon are hauled across the bridge.

Gavius Klugge

Turn 1 Summary:

Normal Territories
Special Territories
Total Territories
Razed Territories
Victory Points


Orcs and Goblins

Tomb Kings

Warriors of Chaos