Monday 28 January 2013

Border Princes 17: Scenario Deployment Rules

Ok, so when a battle is to be fought and a scenario is rolled for a particular terrain section then the following rules are used to decide who is the ATTACKER and who is the DEFENDER as per the rules of each scenario.  Many of the scenarios (esp. the 8th ed. ones) don't change, but for several of the scenarios who is attacker and who is defender can sensibly be determined depending on whether the territory in question was previously CONTROLLED (ie. it has been invaded) OR if it was previously UNCONTROLLED (in which case two newly arriving armies are fighting over it).  Furthermore, I am adding the standard 'points totals' that players need for each scenario.  All is explained below, with scenarios listed in alphabetical order:

Ambush (6th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the ATTACKER (ambushER) and the INVADING FACTION is the DEFENDER (ambushED)
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1125* (defenders get 50% of the points total, and 50% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Battleline (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Blood and Glory (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Breakthrough (6th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER (trying to break through defense).
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1125* (defenders get 50% of the points total, and 50% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Break out of the dark forest (General's Compendium)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the ATTACKER (ambusher) and the INVADING FACTION is the DEFENDER (trying to break out of the forest)
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Dawn Attack (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Defend the Pass (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Flank Attack (6th/7th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER.
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Hold the High Ground (8th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER (holds the highground)  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER.
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

In the dark woods (General's Compendium)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per the General's Compendium.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Last Stand (6th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER. (A last stand represents a dreadful tactical error (e.g. forces splitting or getting lost) /disastrous bad luck befalling one of the sides, and this may occur regardless of whether someone is invading or defending a territory).

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1125* (defenders get 50% of the points total, and 50% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Loot & Pillage (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Meeting Engagement (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Race for the Bridge (Circle of Blood)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER (trying to destroy the bridge) and the INVADING FACTION is the attacker (trying tosecure the bridge)
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Rearguard (6th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER (trying to make a fighting withdrawal to advantageous position)  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER (trying to save the bridge).
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1125* (defenders get 50% of the points total, and 50% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

River of Death (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Ruination of Glumhof (8th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the DEFENDER  and the INVADING FACTION is the ATTACKER (trying to break through defense).
If the territory is UNCONTROLLED and one player represents ORDER and another represents DESTRUCTION, then the DESTRUCTION faction is ALWAYS the ATTACKER and the ORDER factions is always the DEFENDER,
Otherwise, ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 1688* (defenders get 75% of the points total, and 75% of each supporting banner, etc.)
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Surprise Encounter (8th Ed BRB)

ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where as per BRB.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Watchtower/Capture (8th Ed BRB/6th Ed BRB)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then play the WATCHTOWER scenario as detailed in the 8th Ed BRB, and the CONTROLLING PLAYER begins the scenario HOLDING THE TOWER.

If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then play the CAPTURE scenario as detailed in the 6th Ed BRB, and both players ROLL-OFF to see who deploys where.

Attacker Points: 2250*
Defender Points: 2250*
*Note that these are the points totals BEFORE taking into account supporting units, allies, fortifications, etc.

Woodland Ambush (Wood Elves Army Book)

If the territory is CONTROLLED, then the CONTROLLING FACTION is always the ATTACKER (ambushER) and the INVADING FACTION is the DEFENDER (ambushED)

If the territory is UNCONTROLLED, then ROLL-OFF to see who is ATTACKER and who is DEFENDER.

NOTE that if this scenario is played in a Forested Terrain Section AND one of the factions is ELVEN, then the ELVEN faction is ALWAYS the ATTACKER (AMBUSHER).  If there are more than one elven faction fighting each other, then the ATTACKER (Ambusher) is chosen in this order:

1.) Wood Elves
2.) High Elves
3.) Dark Elves

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